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Grant Application Form
(Applicants Details)
Is the applicant in receipt of a grant from a local authority or other body towards the cost of his/her education?

Thank you! We’ll be in touch.

Note: The Trustees of this foundation may provide benefits to promote the education, including social and physical training of deaf and partially deaf persons under the age of 25 who reside, or who have a parent or parents resident in Wales in one or more of the following ways or in such other ways as the Trustees think fit:-

  • In awarding the applicants exhibitions tenable at any secondary school, college of education, university or other institution or further (including professional and technical) education, approved by the trustees;

  • In providing financial assistance, outfits, clothing, tools, instruments or books to enable applicants on leaving school, university or any other educational establishment, to prepare for, and to enter a profession, trade or calling.

  • In awarding bursaries or maintenance allowances to enable applicants to travel, whether in this country or abroad, to pursue their education;

  • In providing financial assistance to enable applicants to study music or other arts. 

Such answer should be given by the parent/guardian or other authorized person where the applicant is under the age of 18.

All Applications are treated as given in confidence.

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